November 06, 2011

Week two or was it week three?

Ugh, this week and next week were really deal breakers for me. Like millions of other aspiring game makers before me; I have a dream. I soon realized that dream was no where close to becoming a reality without some serious effort put in on my part..

I started making simple maps and playing with triggers. I think I spent close to three hours trying to make my forest look good, only to realize later on that the tiles I had set were on the wrong layer. So all the trees had the illusion of being painted on the floor. Not to mention my cave was looking like a teepee or the fact that every graphic I used was some rehash of RPGIV or whatever that 50$ program is called. I was not impressed to say the least.

I decided if I wanted this to work I needed to be original and not just in storyline. I am talking music, art, characters, names, monsters everything had to be done by me. And it had to be done well. I started looking at ways to scale down 3D models and high resolution tiles. I got into Photoshop and Blender. Luckily Blender was free and my sister is a Photoshop freak so I had easy access to her collection of art programs.

Photoshop was fun for a while. I learned a lot but I just wasn't getting the results I wanted for tiling a floor. I eventually figured out a way to manipulate the map editor in G2D to give me the results I wanted and at a tenth of the time it would take me to put the tiles in one by one. With a mix of free-to-use textures, and creativity, I was able to create some original tilesets. Blender on the other hand wasn't going so well.

Believe it or not adding a third dimension was a nightmare. Even the beginner tutorials had me stumped. Another reason to quit while I was ahead. Over the next few days I struggled to push through the things these people called tutorials. I eventually made something worth while, a barrel, and posted it on my Facebook. I was so proud of myself but no one else seemed to care, haha. It was this same time I seriously considered using a 3D engine because I was now a "pro" with Blender!

1 comment:

Corbett said...

Hey, I saw your rainbow sig. on and for some reason, actually clicked on it... and when I read this, I can easily relate. I've used Blender on and off for a few years so I can understand that frustration with learning it. It's set up quite differently than the industry programs like Maya. But, since I'm used to it now, I like how it works.

Looking from the picture each slat in the barrel is it's own slat? It's not a hollow pudgy cylinder?