November 12, 2011

Baby steps

Nothing today but baby steps. This may come off as me complaining a little bit but sprite animating is hard work! Well, it's more tedious then anything and a lot of redrawing. I really miss Blender right now with it's 3D space and rotation and scale. My eyes are watering up :'( I gotta keep pushing though. Take my breaks when needed, go to bed at a decent hour so I am refreshed, drinking and eating healthy as always. Well, trying to on that last part, haha.

I have been working on Eternal Light for almost a month now which is exciting and scary. I made a goal for myself to have EL come out of beta testing by this time next year. I am going to try my best to honor that goal.

For the next week, research and everything else will be slowing right down. I have to study for a big test at the end of this week. Not exactly how I envisioned my week going but real life comes first. I will try to update a lot over the weekend. If I am not to busy!

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