November 05, 2011


Hey, how are ya?  Having a good day?  Yea?  Me too.  Guess what I did today.  I decided to make an MMORPG.  Wanna hear my story?  Okay, let's go!

Okay, on second glance that first bit looks a little creepy, haha.  And actually I made the decision to start making an MMO over three weeks ago.  October 16, 2011 was the date, to be precise.  It wasn't until yesturday, November 4th, that I came across a book about Blogging in the library and had a moment of clarity.  If someone can make money off a blog, writing about his journey to be an astronaut, then I can definitely start my own blog and collect ad revenue to support my first server.  Now lets be honest this probably won't happen, haha.  So, I will just use this as a journal/reference that I can share with future gamers and aspiring game designers.

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