I got some mountain tiles finally. Its better to look for "cliff faces" instead of mountains. I started looking at some of my rock tile templates and considered blending them with grass and water. This is where TileForge came in.
This little app is very powerful when it comes to tile blending. It's able to take up to three different tiles and blend the edges together. There is even a 3D blending feature for those more realistic drop offs. The only limitation I have found was that my output tiles are limited to 64x64 pixels. This just requires more creativity. Right now the Dark Grass and Ocean blend that I made is looking nice. Although a full grass field running straight to the edge of the ocean looks out of place. I am going to have to add some sand, rocks, and other shore like tiles. It seems like every time I unlock a door, two more open.
I also have to figure out how to animate the half water and half grass tiles. Well I know how to do it, I just don't know if I have the patience today, haha. I could actually re-render the two tiles in TileForge, using the rippled water, and come out with a pretty close tile. The random stitching will obviously not match up but I am hoping this will give a "waves coming and going" effect.
One last thing I am going to change is the ripple effect of the ocean. It looks good on paper and even in the examples. But, when it's actually animated in the game, and you are in full-screen mode, it's a real distraction. I want to keep the ripple effect for sure but intensity will need to be re-done. This sounds easy but it's not :(
One last thing I wanted to cover was the engine it self. There is a huge update coming next month. I plan to pay to get into the beta. With this new engine I am hoping to really get away from the pen and paper side and start putting out testable content. I have my server ready and waiting to go. Along with funding for a web site and domain. One of my maim concerns starting out is my bandwidth usage. I may have to limit the amount of time the server is up.
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