November 28, 2011

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy

Okay, if you don't know which movie I just quoted in my topic, then please go Google it. If you did see the movie, "redrum! Redrum!".

Seriously though, I have been thinking and breathing this MMO for almost a month now. Not to mention all the work I did on the project before this (also an MMO). Heck I even started having dreams about the game. I was updating my blog as I drove, which was very dangerous, and I felt it was getting to be too much for me. Having the weekend off was perfect. I got some shopping done over the Thanksgiving weekend. It was Thanksgiving right? I am in Canada, we had ours a month ago.

I came back this evening with a clear head and a new set of ideas. I even did some research and found a well written article on creating and managing an effective economy. Although I do not understand some of the points the writer was making, nor do I agree with all of his ideals, it was a very informative read and has changed my economic model for the better, I hope.

Last night I was putting together some tilesets, again, and figured out a way to cut my work in half. Instead of making a blended tileset for each type of terrain, I can just make it half grass and the other half transparent. This way I can mix dark grass with sand or rock or whatever at any time, with out having to do any extra work. This will also cut down on my file size immensely.

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