I did it. I did exactly what I said I wasn't going to do. I lost my momentum.
I haven't touched my game in over a week. Ugh, what to do, what to do. Well, enough farting around I need to get back to designing.I have been working on another game in my spare time. It's sort of a comedic Mario Brothers. I wanted to approach this project a little differently. I am starting with the Game Design Document and working from there. I thought this was pretty boring at first but just sitting there writing down every thing that popped into my head was amazing. I have absolutely no idea where I am going to take Eternal Light. Yes, I know it will be an MMORPG and yes, I know it will have a decent story line, but what else? Without the GDD I have been jumping around every where. From working on my enemy AI, to different camera views, to terrain features. But its like why am I working on terrain? I don't know where any of story will take place or what it will look like or anything. Gah!
So the GDD, is the most important part of any game, at least for its production. I truly believe this, now, after creating one for my Mario Brothers game. I can start focusing on graphics and know exactly what to draw. I know which characters I need to make. I know which levels to create and how the scoring system will work. The best is anyone can read it and start working on assets right away. Its brilliant!
I really recommend this to any aspiring game designer. The GDD will cut down on your production time significantly. Wow, totally lost track of what I was originally going to say. Tomorrow I will fill everyone in, well like 10 people, on what I have done so far. Cya Soon!