I did it. I did exactly what I said I wasn't going to do. I lost my momentum.
I haven't touched my game in over a week. Ugh, what to do, what to do. Well, enough farting around I need to get back to designing.
So the GDD, is the most important part of any game, at least for its production. I truly believe this, now, after creating one for my Mario Brothers game. I can start focusing on graphics and know exactly what to draw. I know which characters I need to make. I know which levels to create and how the scoring system will work. The best is anyone can read it and start working on assets right away. Its brilliant!
I really recommend this to any aspiring game designer. The GDD will cut down on your production time significantly. Wow, totally lost track of what I was originally going to say. Tomorrow I will fill everyone in, well like 10 people, on what I have done so far. Cya Soon!